I would love it if some of you awesome artists out there would send in preview images that you feel emulate the level of gratuitous fannishness this sort of piece evokes. P.S., I am interested in using a formal preview image for this Dictionary and List, but have no ideas as to what to do for said image. ~M "Mack" Blackwood, your friendly neighborhood Maintenance Supreme Thanks for your time, cooperation, and contributions! They are VERY much appreciated. Let me know if you run into serious problems while using the Dictionary and List, and I will get it fixed as soon as I possibly can. I've tried to keep definitions of a certain type to a similar format down the Dictionary and List, so all the body part terms should have "body" as a buzzword, towns, cities, and city-states should have "city" or something similar, etc. This is fine and dandy if you have a rainy afternoon to kill, but, if you're looking for a quick reference, I would recommend becoming very friendly with the CTRL+F function very quickly. A Note from Your Maintenance Supreme: As you can probably tell, this is a very long piece, with tons of terms and lots of language.