
Human values and professional ethics by rr gaur pdf file
Human values and professional ethics by rr gaur pdf file

Human values and professional ethics by rr gaur pdf file

Therefore, it is expected from a professional to carry out one’s profession with right understanding, dexterity and commitment so that the effort is conducive to human welfare, i.e., conducive to happiness and prosperity of all and also to the enrichment of rest of nature. Ethical conduct of profession implies the right utilization of one’s professional skills toward the fulfillment of comprehensive human goal and thus meaningfully participates in the larger order. Through professional education, one acquires the specific knowledge and skills to make contributions in the larger order inclusive of human beings, plants, air, water, soil, animals, birds, etc.

Human values and professional ethics by rr gaur pdf file Human values and professional ethics by rr gaur pdf file

Profession is a significant domain of human activity targeted toward participating in the larger order which includes the society and the nature around.

Human values and professional ethics by rr gaur pdf file